Coach From Spain Delivers Sunshine by Javier Peralta

On a gloomy and rainy day Coral and I sat down to think about how we could help businesses in the westend during the pandemic and came up with a plan to help local businesses by giving a complimentary business coaching session. We thought we could reach out to 5 businesses every week to offer a 90 minute business strategy session. To make the most out of these sessions there was some pre-work to be done, like starting with a business background questionnaire that was sent over to the business owner to complete. We then followed up with a call to explore their answers and allow us to learn more about their business. We then sent them one of our videos which runs through the 6 steps to build a business that can run without you. At this point we were ready to do the 90 minute business strategy session where we have a deeper look at their business and the business owner comes away with clarity of their goals and a clear strategy going forward.

We also did alignments where we spend half a day with the business owner/s, to do a 5 year business action plan. During this we look at their personal goals and the lifestyle they would like to live. The reason we do this is so that we can focus on what their business needs to look like to deliver those personal goals. Starting with the end goal in mind we find out what your business will look like when finished. This will include turnover, profits, margins, products or services and the number of people you need to deliver that growth over the next 5 years. We then have a look at the business opportunities and challenges throughout that five year journey and really drill down in more detail on what needs to happen in the next 12 months. We also look at any areas of personal development the business owner needs to address to achieve those goals. We finish the session with the top 10 action points over the coming 12 months. 

They come out with extreme clarity allowing them to have greater focus and thus achieve great results, because:

Extreme clarity x focus = great results.

In terms of numbers; over the last 12 months we have had the pleasure of helping around 260 businesses with complimentary coaching sessions. We are still offering this service to business owners in the area who want to take advantage of business strategy sessions. It has been extremely rewarding to help our local business community get through these hard times.

ActionCOACH run FREE business seminars every month. Javier guarantees owners will realise 2 or 3 takeaways that they will be able to implement in their business straight away. West End business owners are welcome to book by calling Javier on 0141 334 5453.

ActionCOACH Glasgow

2 Merkland Street G11 6DB

0141 334 5453


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