Thinking Warm Thoughts
Cosy home furnishing ideas to get you through the Winter months.

£180 each, Cassiopeia
Firing up the boiler less is great for our pockets and the environment. However, we still need to ‘feel’ warm. Start by truly engaging your senses: with warm throws casually draped over deep velvet sofas; deep cushions to sink into that also engage the eye with their rich colours; tactile hot water bottles you can drape over two, and lights and candles to gladden the eye and engage the heart. Self care is important this winter, like never before.

£22.50 each
The Nancy Smillie Shop

£180 each, Cassiopeia

£58 each, Bluebellgray

Amble Large Corner Sofa
£3299.99 in sale/£4399 after sale price, Forrest Furnishing

£25.99, Spirito
For more cosy home furnishing ideas for winter visit our stockists below.
Bluebellgray, 162 Hyndland Road. 0141 221 0724,
Cassiopeia, 165 Hyndland Road, 0141 357 7374,
Forrest Furnishing, 1175 South Street, 0141 300 7400,
Spirito, 317-319 Crow Road, 0141 337 3307,
The Nancy Smillie Shop, 53 Cresswell Lane, 0141 334 4240,
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