Father and Sons Art Exhibition

Artist Alexander Dakers, born in Argyll, studied in Glasgow and is now making a name in the global art world.  This Glasgow Boy’s art is in its ascendancy – his dad would be so proud.  Tracy Mukherjee gets the story behind Alexander’s poignant new exhibition.
Farewell Dad

Alexander Dakers was raised with his brother in the beautiful village of Innellan in Cowal.  Is it any wonder then, that surrounded by such light and beauty, he dreamed of becoming an artist?  It helped that Alexander Dakers Snr (Alexander Stuart Dakers) was also an artist, and indeed the young Dakers jnr’s teacher.  

Reminiscing of those days Alexander says “I was never good at any other subjects at school, but I loved art and colours. Since a young age my father taught me how to use textures, make different colours and mix them, and draw. He was quite critical on my art when he wanted to see something better.” It is from these early beginnings and indeed from this very clear bond that all these years later professional artist Alexander is bringing his moving exhibition Father and Sons to Glasgow.  The exhibition sees work from both men, hanging side by side in the gallery.

The Father
Pure Light on Us

Unfortunately, it is an exhibition that Dakers snr will never see.  Alexander Jnr lost his father in 2022 but was inspired to bring this joint celebration to the public.  Alexander says “The exhibition is in dedication to my father Alexander Stuart Dakers who was my art teacher as well as my father. He passed away and like for everyone it’s one of the hardest things to deal with. I wanted this exhibition to clash his art and mine together and show a family line tree. He never had an exhibition my father. The exhibition is to celebrate life and support anyone who has lost someone close to them.”
And the joint art portfolios on show isn’t the only nod to Alexander Jnr’s heritage.  

The Mother

Alexander’s mother was born in Chile and ensured that her son was knowledgeable about her country’s history, and particularly the 1973 military coup by Agusto Pinochet, to which the family have a very personal connection.  “My grandfather Leopoldo Osorio was sentenced to life as he worked with Salvador Allende,” says Alexander.   “But he was released after two years due to the work of Amnesty International. That’s why I have raised money through art sales to help them. My grandfather was at my first ever exhibition in Bournemouth.”

Several pieces of Dakers art commemorate the coup, the executions, the bloodshed.  Yet his work is anything but dark.  Such is the colour, the texture changes, the diversity of Alexander’s work it would be very difficult to pigeonhole his style. He agrees.  “I have a diverse style and change it a lot. I like to surprise the public with my creations using everything – oils, acrylics – and experiment. Life inspires me and the beauty of nature around you.”  To add to the uniqueness of his art, talented friend Keith Lauffer hand-makes the frames from old whisky casks.

The Son
Children at War

The public seem to love the diversity of Alexander’s work.  His Zanderartwork brand has seen him exhibiting across the globe – New York, London, Tokyo.  But never back where he studied, in Glasgow.  That of course, is all about to change this Summer.  And as has been the tradition of Zanderartwork, his proceeds go towards worthy causes.  As well as Amnesty International, the Dorset Blind and Julias House, Zanderartwork has been fundraising tirelessly for a Ugandan School for orphans through his art and GoFund page.  His fundraising for the school came about whilst he was teaching online classes during lockdown. The classes were available worldwide and together with his constant support, partner Basia Gauden, £1000 was raised for children in Uganda through his “Alex and Coco” art show.  From there, things have gone from strength to strength and the team are almost at their target.  

Basia Gauden and Alexander Dakers Jnr

Alexander’s art is all consuming – just like his incredible back story. This is a truly talented artist with a philanthropic heart.  No wonder his canvases are so poignant. Make a date and visit what promises to be an exceptional exhibition.

Father and Sons

19th June till the 4th July  
Private viewing 21st, 22nd, 30th June, 1st July Glasgow Art Club, 
185 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4HU.    
Free entry

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