Kelvin Choir with Glasgow Chamber Orchestra

The outstanding choir perform Handel and Haydn for their annual Spring Concert

At the beginning of May local choristers Kelvin Choir will perform one of two biannual concerts. The choir have grown from strength to strength over the past 20 years. From a start up choir under the title of Bearsden Training Choir, the last two decades have seen the confidence and repertoire of the choir grow. There has always been a strong emphasis in the group to support and encourage inexperienced singers to find their voice. To this day the ethos of learning to sing in a fun and supportive environment is still a steadfast aim of, the now, Kelvin Choir.

The choir has no audition process. In keeping with their welcoming philosophy, go to rehearsal and try the choir out for a few weeks. If you enjoy it, join! The four part choir ranges from bass to soprano and being part of the choir helps you connect with the range of your voice. Singing in a group has so much benefits both mentally and physically.

And so to the choir’s concert programme. In May and December, Kelvin Choir perform to the public. For the May programme the choir will take on the challenging Handel’s Utrecht Te Deum and Hadyn’s Terresienmesse. Westender spoke to choir member and press secretary, Rachel Munro for the inside knowledge on the upcoming concert. We began by asking Rachel why these pieces of music?

‘Our program is planned expertly by our Music Director, Tiffany Vong. We cover a wide range of musical styles and like to have a programme of works that complement each other, follow a theme or have contrasting moods. Handel and Hadyn are giants of the choral repertoire and always prove popular with both the choir and audiences.’ says Rachel. ‘They were also very prolific composers and Tiffany is very keen to give exposure to some of the lesser-known works of the choral repertoire. She has done this by choosing Handel’s Utrecht Te Deum and Hadyn’s Terresienmesse. They are both stretching for the choir, have contrasting moods, fantastic rich harmonies and feature solo sections to showcase some great up and coming singers who will join us for the concert.’

One of the highlights of the concerts for both audience and the choir, is their accompaniment by the Glasgow Chamber Orchestra. How does this collaboration affect the choir’s performance?
Rachel says ‘The choir always love performing with an orchestra and we have performed with Glasgow Chamber Orchestra several times. We complement each other very well. We have a fantastic accompanist, Kristine Donnan who rehearses with us every week and often performs with us on the organ but there is something quite special about performing with an orchestra in a venue like St John’s.’ And front and centre, conducting the night is the choir’s Musical Director Tiffany Vong.

And so from humble beginnings, to singing Haydn and Handel. Oh, and accompanied by the Glasgow Chamber Orchestra in the beautiful St John’s Renfield Church in Cleveden. Yet still the choir maintain the importance of having fun, singing for social benefit and for well being. After their Summer break it will be back to work for the Christmas Concert. But what fun they will have getting ready for Santa!  

For more information on the Kelvin Choir, visit their website HERE

Kelvin Choir Spring Concert
Te Deum Utrecht’
7.30pm Sat 4 May 2024 Saint John’s Renfield Church, G12 ONY
Tickets: £12/£6 available on the door or from choir members

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